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Using Hackathons To Accelerate Corporate Innovation: A Guide To Run a Company Hackathon

Using Hackathons To Accelerate Corporate Innovation: A Guide To Run a Company Hackathon
Sabreen Swan
Content Strategist/Writer at Eventornado

Innovation has changed a lot over the years.

From closed to open innovation, organisations have searched for better ways to accelerate their creative potential—and now that includes hackathons.

Until 15 or so years ago, business leaders believed the best way to beat the competition was to invest heavily in internal innovation, otherwise known as “closed innovation”.

The idea was that having leading talent, expertise and resources all in-house was substantial enough to carry out great innovation. In other words, the magic had to happen behind closed doors, until it was ready to be launched to the market.

But a lot has changed since then. Tech giants and powerhouses, and even smaller businesses, have paved the way for something different. An alternative way of approaching innovation.

Download the guide and get access to these paragraphs:

  • The role of hackathons in Corporate Innovation
  • The first step in hacking for change: finding your area of innovation
  • The second step of hacking for innovation: setting up the event
  • The third step of the hackathon process: collecting innovative ideas
  • The fourth step of the hackathon process: execution, evaluation and selection
  • Evaluating ideas and choosing winners
  • The post-hackathon stage: set the wheels in motion
  • Accelerate your corporate innovation with hackathons run on Eventornado
  • How to be a great community manager
  • Are you ready to launch your first corporate hackathon?
Using Hackathons To Accelerate Corporate Innovation: A Guide To Run a Company Hackathon
Hackathons have become playgrounds for discovery, where like-minded people come together to put their thinking to the test and create exciting products. Download our e-book for a thorough guide on running a company hackathon.

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